Woodland Owners of the
Southern Alleghenies (WOSA)
Annual Membership Form
(Membership runs per calendar year.)
Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________
Phone No.______________________ Email___________________________________________
# of Acres Owned__________________ County____________________________________
Property Address if different from your home address:
Street, City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________
Do you, or have you had, a Forest Stewardship Plan? ___________________________
Would you like the Service Forester to walk your property (free of charge) and
discuss your concerns and goals? _____________
Single: $15_______ Family: $20_______ Sponsor $50________ Associate $15______
Single and Family members are voting individuals or families who own forest land.
Sponsor members are non-voting public or private organizations, which own forest land, or have a public
or commercial interest in wood products, land or wildlife preservation, and support WOSA.
Associate members are non-voting individuals who do not own forest land but endorse and support WOSA.
If Family, please list other members: _____________________________________________
Amount enclosed $___________
Make check payable to WOSA
Mail to WOSA P. O. Box 253 Everett, PA 15537
Thank you for your support!!
Laura Jackson, Membership Chair