2024 - Goods From the Woods
Growing Ramps and American Ginseng Cat Pugh
Lessons From the Land Keynote Speaker: Seth Cassell, PA State Forester
Getting Started in Maple Syrup Scott Weikert
PA Game Commission Wildlife Update
Introduction to Mushrooms John Traister
2023 - Managing Forests and Wildlife in a Changing World
Want Healthy Forests? Listen to the Birds! Laura Jackson, Forest Landowner
Climate Change in Your Neck of the Woods Keynote Speaker: Ryan Reed, Environmental Education Specialist, DCNR, Bureau of
How to Help Fund What You Do in Your Woods Josh Rittenhouse, Consulting Forester
Family Forest Carbon Program Calvin Norman, Penn State Professor
PA Game Commission Update Brandon Pfister, Game Warden
Fungal Pathogens You Should Know Jill Rose, Plant Pathologist, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
2020 - 2022 - No Conferences held due to Coronavirus
2019 - Clean Water Grows on Trees
The Eastern Hellbender, Salamander as an Indicator Species for Healthy Pennsylvania Streams Peter Petokas, Research Associate, Clean
Water Institute, Lycoming College
Woodlands and Watersheds: How Forest Stewardship Protects and Improves Pennsylvania's Streams and Groundwater Andrew Yencha,
Extension Educator, Penn State Extension
What are Riparian Buffers, What Grows There, and How Do I Start One? Kelsey Miller, Riparian Buffer Technician, PA DCNR, Bureau of
How to Help Fund What You Do in Your Woods NRCS Representative
Willow Cuttings Dave Scamardella, Forester, PA DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Pennsylvania Game Commission Update Bert Einodshofer, Game Warden Supervisor, Southcentral Region, PGC
The Forest Stewardship Plan of Sulzbacher Demonstration Forest Dave Scamardella, Forester, PA DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
2018 - The Future of Deer and Forests
The State of the Forest James Finley, PhD., Director of Center for Private Forests at Penn State University
Active Stewardship in Our Neck of the Woods-Shared Needs and Opportunities Leslie Horner, Forest Stewardship Program Associate,
Center for Private Forests at Penn State University
Can It Get Better? Exploring Chronic Wasting Disease Management Options Jeannine Fleegle, Deer and Elk Biologist, PA Game Commission
The War on Coal, Appalachian Forests, and the Chesapeake Bay Keith Eshleman, PhD, University of Maryland, Appalachian Laboratory
The Forest Stewardship Plan of Sulzbacher Demonstration Forest Dave Scamardella, Forester, PA DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
2017 - Balancing Deer and Native Plants
The Land Ethic and the Future of Forests Dr. James Finley, Ibberson Chair of Forest Resource Management, Director of Center for Private
Forests at Penn State University
Controlling Invasive Plants and Using Native Plants Kelly Sitch, Botanist, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Panel Discussion: Funding Available and Conservation Easements for Forest Landowners
Michael Knoop, Land Protection Specialist, Western PA Conservancy
Su Ann Shupp, Land Conservation Coordinator, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Brad Michael, District Conservationist, Natural Resource Conservation Service
Deer in This Decade: Deer Management and Chronic Wasting Disease Cal DuBrock, Goddard Chair of Forestry and Environmental Resource
Conservation, PSU
PA Game Commission Update Timothy Layton and Brad Myers
Status of the Ruffed Grouse in PA Lisa Williams, PA Game Commission
2016 - What's Living in Your Woods?
Goods from the Woods: Wild Medicinal and Edible Plants of Appalachian Forests (Ginseng, Butternut, Black Cohosh, etc.)
Dr. Sunshine Brosi, Assistant Professor, Frostburg State University
Controlling Invasive Plants in Small Woodlots Dave Jackson, Forest Resources Educator, Pennsylvania State University
Forest Pest Update Sharon Coons, Forest Program Specialist, Bureau of Forestry, Division of Forest Health
Managing Healthy Woodlots for Mammal Habitat Julie Zeyzus, Wildlife Biologist Consultant
Marvelous Wild Mushrooms of Pennsylvania Bill Russell, Central PA Mushroom Club
2015 - Forest and Wildlife Management Using Fire: Burning Issues
Native Americans, Smoky Bear and the Rise and Fall of the Eastern Oak Forest Marc Abrams, Ph.D., Professor of Forest Ecology and
Physiology, Penn State
Managing Wildlife Habitat with Prescribed Fire on Wills Mountain Jonathan Zuck, Land Manager, PA Game Commission
Implementing a Prescribed Burn for Oak Regeneration on Private Land Shannon Henry, Prescribed Burn Contractor & Jana Malot, private
National Heritage Area - Bedford Scott Schuette, Ph.D., Botanist, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
WOSA Annual Meeting -- mentioned 501(3)(c) donations tax deductible, WOSA Strategic Plan (principles & goals), & forming committees
The Progression of Firefighter's Safety Ray Miller, Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Pennsylvania Game Commission Update Mary Jo Casalena - Wildlife Biologist: PA Game Commission & Jonathan Zuck, Land Manager, PA
Game Commission
Successful Oak Regeneration Aaron Stottlemyer, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor of Forestry, Penn State, Dubois
2014 - Forest Management, History, and Archaeology
Early Use of PA's Plant and Animal Resources by Native Americans and Colonial Immigrants Dr. W. Eugene Foor, Professor Emeritus,
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Archaeology and Forestry, Rules, Rights, and Best Practices Kira Heinrich, Historic Preservation Specialist, PA Historical & Museum
The Evolution of Forestry: Philosophy, Practices and Principles Francis Zumbrun, Green Ridge State Forest Manager, Retired
Dendroecology of Old Growth Forests Sarah Johnson, The Nature Conservancy, PA Chapter
The World is Losing Forest at a Rate of a Football Field Every Four Seconds William McWilliams, Research Forester, US Forest Service, Forest
Inventory and Analysis
What We Can Do For the Future Forest Panel Discussion, WOSA Members
2013 - Woodland Management, Challenges and Opportunities
What's Bugging You? David A. Schmit – Forest Health Specialist, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry, Division of Forest Pest Management
Chronic Wasting Disease Wyatt Knepp – PA Game Commission, Wildlife Biologist
Diseases of the Forest and Landscape Trees David A. Schmit – Forest Health Specialist, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry, Division of Forest Pest
PA Game Commission Update Mary Jo Casalena - Wildlife Biologist: PA Game Commission
Managing Habitat for Golden-winged Warblers Kevin Yoder - National Wild Turkey Federation, Wildlife Biologist
Restoration of High-Graded Stands Steve Wacker - Assistance District Forester, Tuscarora State Forest
Stomp on Pests - Invite Native Guests Mike & Laura Jackson - PA Forest Stewards
2012 - 15th Annual Forestry and Wildlife Conference
Bugs - Emerald Ash Borer, Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Sirex Wood Wasp, Asian Longhorned Beetle Dr. Donald A. Eggen, Ph.D. - Forest Health
Manager, DCNR Bureau of Forestry
Diseases - Thousand Cankers of Walnuts, Elm Yellows, Oak Wilt, Sudden Oak Death presenter: ?
Bats - White Nose Syndrome Cal Butchkoski, PA Game Commission
Silvicultural Practices - Slow Spread of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Maryann Fajvan, USFS
Restoration of High-Graded Forests Dr. Jim Finley, Penn State Extension
USDA-NRCS Programs for Cost-Sharing Brad Michael, District Conservationist for Fulton County
2011 - Woodland Management, Challenges and Solutions
Pennsylvania Forest Health Update Dr. Donald A. Eggen, Ph.D. - Forest Health Manager, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Div of Forest Pest Mgmt.
EAB: PA Regulatory Program CoAnne O'Hern - State Plant Health Director - PA USDA-APHIS-PPO
Managing Forest Openings For Wild Turkey Mary Jo Casalena - Wildlife Biologist, Wild Turkey Program PA Game Commission
Managing Mature Forests Tony Ouadro - Asst. Mgr./Tech Programs Director, Forester at Westmorland Con. Dist.
Saving Your Piece of Paradise for the Future Mike & Laura Jackson - WOSA Forest Stewards; Richard Hill, Master Candidate, Penn State
University School of Forest Resources
PA Game Commission Update David Schreffler - PA Game Commissioner
Management of Clearing for Wind Turbines and Gas Wells Marja H. Bakermans, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher & Faculty Member -
Indiana University of PA
Forest Diseases Dr. Thomas Hall, Plant Pathologist/Forest Pathologist, DCNR Bureau of Forestry-Div. of Forest Pest Management
2010 - Sound Stewardship & Dealing with Invasive
Identification of Common Non-Native Invasive Forest Plants Meghan Kerr & Andrew Wicks - Natural Biodiversity, Windber, PA
Strategies for Dealing with Non-Native Invasive Plants Eric Burkhart, PhD - Penn State - Shaver's Creek Environmental Center
What is Bugging You Donald A. Eggen, PhD - DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Division of Forest Pest Management, Middleton, PA
Feral Swine Issue Kyle Van Way - USDA - APHIS - Wildlife Services, Harrisburg, PA
The Red Fox - An Invasive Chris Skipper - PA Game Commission, Wildlife Conservation Officer
Native Plants Liz McDowell - Elk Ridge Nature Works, LLC, Grantsville, MD
EQIP Environment Quality Incentive Program Dave Scamardella - PA DCNR, Bureau of Forestry - Buchanan Forest District
2009 - Annual Forestry & Wildlife Conference
Emerald Ash Borer Dr. Houping Liu, Forest Entomologist, the world's leading expert of the borer
Other Forest Pest Issues Don Eggen, Director Forest Pest Management, DCNR, Bureau of Forestry
Forest Fragmentation
Energy and Your Forest David Jackson, Forester, Penn State Cooperative Extension
2008 - Sound Forest Stewardship - The Next Step
How to Manage a Growing Forest
Forest Hydrology
Watershed Management
What's Bugging You
Wildlife Attracted to Areas of Pre-Commercial Thinning